Quotes that matter Video Credit: Videezy
Death is not the enemy of life,
but its friend,
for it is the knowledge that our years are limited
which makes life so precious.…
Rabbi Joshua L. Liebman
I'm sorry if you are made sad,
but i hope that you'll also feel comforted and inspired.
I hope you will be less afraid,
and more inclined to plan for and discuss dying…
because I hope we can all live better,
as well as die better,
by keeping the end in mind.
~ Kathryn Mannix
You die the way you live your life.
~ Timothy E. Quill, MD
Life is a sojourn.
We are mere travelers.
No luggage is allowed into the next world.
Therefore, live rich rather than die rich.
When the bells toll for us at our death beds,
we should be proud of our accomplishments.
We are born crying while everyone around us is smiling.
When we depart from this place,
everyone around us will be crying;
and hopefully,
we will be smiling.
~ Cherokee Proverb
One of the things I love most about this life is that there's no final goodbye. I've met hundreds of people out here and I don't ever say a final goodbye. Let's just say, "I'll see you down the road". And I do. I'd see them again.
~ Bob in the movie "Nomadland"2020 ~
Look back on your own life.
Think of your greatest loss,
your greatest comfort,
and your greatest wonder –
loss of someone you loved,
the familiar, warm hug of a grandparent,
the birth of a child.
What if, at the end of your life,
at some appointed hour, the lost return,
distant feelings become familiar,
and meaning is restored?
If any of that is true, then dying is illuminating.
~ Dr Christopher Kerr ~
Death ends a life, not a relationship.

The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.

So many people walk around with a meaningless life.
They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important.
This is because they're chasing the wrong things.
The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others,
devote yourself to your community around you,
and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
Mitch Albom in <Tuesdays with Morris>
I had come to see language as an almost supernatural force,
existing between people, bringing our brains,
shielded in cm-thick skulls, into communion.

A word meant something only between people,
and life's meaning, its virtue,
had something to do with the depth of the relationships we form.
Paul Kalanithi in <When Breath Becomes Air>
We all die.
The goal isn't to live forever,
the goal is to
create something that will.
~ Chuck Palahniuk ~
The most painful goodbyes
Are the ones that are
Never said
Never explained.
Add life to your days, not days to your life.
It is not death that a man should fear,
but he should fear never beginning to live.
~ Marcus Aurelius ~
Preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do.
Thinking about death clarifies your life.
~ Candy Chang (Before I die I want to ….) project founder