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Last Letter

Share Your Story

What matters most to you near the end of life journey? Share your thoughts – be it a letter, a poem or a photograph (with caption).
Why do you think leave well matters?

By sharing, you encourage others to reflect on what matters most to them, and perhaps, to make adjustment and plans, while still living.

For yourself. For your loved ones. For the community.

If your story is published, we will send you a Leave Well Matters e-Work Book-
It shall be an immensely useful guide to capture the things that really matter and ease the burden on your loved ones;
leaving more time and space for them to grief.

    What Matters Most?

    As I approach the finish line of what we call life,
    Will I look back on all the joys or only the strife?
    I am beginning to reach this stage of my lifelong journey,
    So, I choose to remember the good times and not the worries.

    My first date with my wife, when she asked me.
    The birth of my children, one, two, three.
    Those who still by my side, will be my best friends,
    These are the memories I will take to the end,

    What matters most, cannot be bought, or sold,
    Who cares about things, when you get incredibly old?
    I hope my mind is still clear and full of imagination,
    And as I talk to others, I want to give them inspiration.

    Beauty will not matter; my wrinkled hands show that has long passed.
    Stacks of books in my closet, show fame did not last.
    My sight will not matter, it is already tough to see,
    My hips are titanium and I get up at night four times, just to go pee.

    If my body parts are worth anything when I finally go,
    They can keep what is left; I will get new ones I know.
    I will want to think I made a difference in others’lives,
    So, when I get to heaven, there will be no surprise.

    Slide Ms Doris Chua and her legacy The story of Ms Doris Chua touched the hearts of many when she left a legacy of her three-room Seastrand unit , valued at over $1 million, to a non-profit organization (World Vision Singapore) for the underprivileged communities in Africa. The independent lady planned well ahead and even wrote her own obituary.

    Read more.
    Slide Ms Kathy Ong and her last letter 19-year-old Kathy Ong's life was cut short when the cab she was in crash with another vehicle. Serendipitously, Kathy had imagined and even penned down a description of her own funeral. Her father shared the post in Facebook. Initially finding it "weird" and "inauspicious', he is now thankful that she did so as "it's the closest I can get to hearing you cos I never had the chance to have a last word with you".

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